How Veganism Can Save Us – signed copy


How Veganism Can Save Us is an entry-level and accessible look into the importance of veganism as a part of work for total social justice and collective liberation for animals, people and the planet.

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How Veganism Can Save Us is an entry-level and accessible look into the importance of veganism as a part of work for total social justice and collective liberation for animals, people and the planet.

How Veganism Can Save Us is an entry-level and accessible look into the importance of veganism as a part of work for total social justice and collective liberation for animals, people and the planet.


A book by Emma Hakansson, founding director of Collective Fashion Justice.

Split into three sections for people, planet and animals, the book explores speciesism, the climate crisis, the intersection between feminism, classism and animal rights issues, and more.

Full of simple explainers, actions to help create a kinder world and ideas for places to learn more, this book is a great guide for anyone keen to learn more about veganism and social justice more broadly.

Read it yourself or buy it for a friend who needs it!

Wondering why this site is called Willow and Claude? Well, it’s named after two rescued lambs who Emma named a film and not-for-profit knitwear project after.




“I thought it was extremely powerful and did well to debunk the many myths around veganism. I was particularly impressed with how it did all of this without once feeling patronising, sanctimonious or shame-on-you-ish. It’s a cracking book.”

”An incredibly thought-provoking and necessary read for anyone who cares about the future of our planet and all those who inhabit it.”