Meet the two sheep who started it all, who deserve a kinder world
- as all beings do.
This is Willow.
She’s cheeky, a bit demanding in an endearing way and loves a head scratch. Runs over to people she loves.
This is Claude.
He’s a gentle, friendly boy and he loves a cuddle. He’s got a crooked tail, is a bit sleepy, and is very handsome.
Willow and Claude were both brought into care a few days after their births. They were almost two of the 10 to 15 million lambs that die every winter lambing season in Australia, due to exposure, starvation and neglect.
No one should be left out in the cold to slowly die, let alone a newborn who is totally unable to defend themselves, who is unable to seek any kind of safety. Lamb Care Australia is an organisation which takes in lambs who are found abandoned on the sides of roads, who are surrendered by farmers, and who are orphaned.